Reader contribution: groundbreaking and demand notices: the building blocks of the infrastructure

Reader contribution: groundbreaking and demand notices: the building blocks of the infrastructure

One of the main topics nowadays is definitely digitalization. The chancellor herself discussed this during her visit to bad kissingen and takes the subject very seriously. And the second theme is infrastructure, especially in the countryside. When you talk about these topics, ms. Secretary of state immediately gets into your head. In the last four years, there is probably no other person who has been present at several spate stabbings and forderbescheid ubergaben than frau bar. Every week there is a new project that mrs. Bar has supported. Thanks to her efforts, almost every community in lower franconia has received a demand for money for broadband expansion. Furthermore, the groundbreakings and demand notices are not photo appointments. At these appointments mrs. Bar has the opportunity to get in contact with local companies and to talk to the local burgomasters. The fact that mrs. Bar goes to so many ground-breaking ceremonies and demand notices is an important sign for the future. Watch out, woman bar comes and brings the future with her.